Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sponsorship for NTU SCBE Slurpz

Apologies for the hiatus, we've been busy!

A Lil' Dream is proud to be one of the event sponsors for the annual pageant, “SCBE Slurpz”, organized by Nanyang Technological University. The event will be held on 28th January 2010 at DXO. It is an event open to public and their theme for the pageant is “Paparazzi”. 

Due to time constraint, pictures of the sponsored items were not taken and we had to take some ready stash as well. Nevertheless, check out SCBE Pageant sponsor page http://scbeslurpz.blogspot.com/ and http://scbe-paparazzi.blogspot.com/


Saturday, January 2, 2010

Commissioned for MT (Sold)

A request for a shorter length of Vigne.

Commissioned for M (Sold)

A request for a Jan birthday girl. I hope she likes her gift from a very thoughtful friend. Aren't gfs the sweetest?